עמותה ישראלית למטפלים
במשחק בחול (ע.ר. 580588598)

מפגש בינלאומי מיוחד

אנו שמחים להזמינכם למפגש בינלאומי מיוחד של טיפול במשחק בחול (Sandplay Therapy) עם שניים מהבכירים בתחום בעולם: Joerg Rasche* מגרמניה ו-  Heyong Shen**  מסין.

יום העיון יתקיים באוניברסיטת בר אילן
באולם בק, בנין 410,
ביום שני, 27.4.15 בין השעות 9:00-13:00


9:00-9:30 התכנסות

9:30-11:00 הרצאתו של  Heyong Shen:

The image of Chinese Sandplay. The Garden of the Heart and Soul

11:30- 11:00 הפסקת קפה

11:30-13:00 הרצאתו של Joerg Rasche:

The mourning process of a boy and the symbol of rainbow


* Dr. Joerg Rasche, Jungian Analyst, Psychotherapist, trained for adults and children in Berlin and Zurich with Dora Kalff (Sandplay Therapy). Working in private praxis in Berlin. Former president of DGAP and vice president of IAAP, currently president of DGST (German Sandplay Association). Also a trained musician he teaches in many countries, giving seminars about Jungian issues, Sandplay Therapy and concert-lectures about music and psyche. He published many papers and some books, mostly in German, about creativity, mythology, history of Analytical Psychology, music, and Sandplay. For his engagement for the psychotherapeutic education in Poland and for the reconciliation between Germans and Polish people he was awarded in 2012 with the Golden Cross of Merit by the President of Poland. Currently he is co-editing with Tom Singer a book about European Cultural Complexes.

** Shen Heyong, Ph.D., professor of psychology at SCNU(South China Normal University),and CUM (the City University of Macao); Jungian analyst/IAAP, Sandplay Therapist/ISST, president of the Chinese Federation for Analytical Psychology and Sandplay Therapy, main organizer of the International Conference of Analytical Psychology and Chinese Culture (1998-2013), speaker of Eranos(1997/2007), chief editor for the Chinese translation of the Collected Works of C.G. Jung, and chief editor of the Chinese Journal of Analytical Psychology.

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