The Israeli Sandplay
Therapists Association
Camy Rachel Mizrahi Chirazi
Licensed Master Social Worker, psychotherapist
Bet Shemesh

Licensed Master Social Worker, psychotherapist (MSW- New York University 2000, BSW- McGill University 1999)

I currently see clients in private practice as well as in Kupat Holim Meuhedet in the Early Childhood Developmental Center. There, I am on teams that conduct various evaluations including autism evaluations and diagnosis. I provide parents with guidance and support in working through their children’s new diagnosis, developmental delays, and behavioral issues.  I also provide treatments to children with emotional distress using Sandplay and various other modalities.

My aim is to provide a safe environment in which my clients can delve into, process, and learn to navigate the various challenges they face whether it is a new life adjustment, a new diagnosis, difficulty with children, anxiety or depression. Understanding how complex we are requires the knowledge and openness to meet each client where they are, and to help them navigate through their many layers with warmth and empathy. 

Having grown up in the West and my traditional Middle Eastern upbringing has provided a deep understanding of varying social and cultural-ethno complexities. 

I offer my services in English, Hebrew and French, 

Ahuva Yavin-Arnon 
Cynthia Raskin 
Daphna Rosin 
Debbie Jivan 
Bert A.N. Meltzer 
Edna Schori 
Galit Ben-Amitay 
Hana Eker 
Hannah-Valeria Grishko 
Lenore F. Steinhardt 
Liela Abramovich 
Lilach Galkin 
Mark Bortz 
Michal Troudart 
Michelle Mendelowitz-Yuval 
Rina Porat 
Robin B. Zeiger 
Yael Bruno 
Yael Dayan-Farhi 

Sandplay practitioners

Bati Lowenstein 
Daniela Finkel 
Elana Cheshin 
Iris Mindel 
Maya Ben Shoshan 
Roni Gonen Shimhoni 
Shlomit Gorlik 
Talila Navon 
Tehila Cahana