The Israeli Sandplay
Therapists Association
לינור שטיינהרדט תמונה Lenore Steinhardt
Lenore F. Steinhardt
Art and Sandplay Therapist, M.A., ATR, CST-T
ISST member since 1998
ISTA representative to ISST Board 2009-2017
61 Shivtei Israel Street, Neve Magen, Ramat Hasharon 4725206, ISRAEL

Studied art in the late 1950’s at the Cooper Union in New York and at University of California, Berkeley. She taught art in Kelman Junior High School Ramat Hasharon, from 1976-1990. In 1981 she received an MA in Expressive Therapy from Lesley University, Boston and began work as an Art therapist with children and families at the Rakefet Childrens Therapy Center in Ramat Hasharon, until 2003. In 1998 she became an ISST Certified Sandplay Therapist and in 2003 a Jungian Psychotherapist. She has written a book in Hebrew- “Between Stars and Sand” containing 14 articles on Art therapy and Sandplay therapy (2005). Her two books in English are about Sandplay: “Foundation and Form in Jungian Sandplay- An Art Therapy Approach” (2000), and “On Becoming a Jungian Sandplay Therapist- The Healing Spirit of Sandplay in Nature and in Therapy”(2012), both published by Jessica Kingsley Publishers, London. She has authored four chapters in books, and many articles that have appeared in the STA Journal of Sandplay Therapy and in other Journals. In 1991 she founded and continues to direct an MA art therapy training program at the Kibbutzim College of Education in Tel Aviv and since 2003 she has directed a two- year Sandplay Therapy Training Program there. She is past ISTA representative to the ISST Board, a position she held until 2017, and was the International Editor and Founder of the ISST Newsletter. She has made yearly Sandplay presentations at ISST conferences and International Training Weeks. She continues to paint and sculpt alongside her therapeutic work and had a solo exhibition of sculpture and watercolors in February 2014. For 30 years she has had a private practice in art therapy and Sandplay therapy in Ramat Hasharon and is an art therapy and Sandplay supervisor. Her clinical work focuses on the visual image in art therapy, Sandplay, and dreams, and reviving the inner connection to Nature and to the archetypal and spiritual world while allowing the psyche its own path.


Membership in Professional Organizations

Ramat Hasharon Artists Association
ICET- Israeli Creative Expressive Therapies Organization
ISST- International Society for Sandplay Therapy
ISTA- Israeli Sandplay Therapy Association


Steinhardt, L. (1985). Freedom within boundaries: Body outline drawings in art therapy with children. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 12, 25-34, Elsevier Science.

Steinhardt, L. (1986) Art therapy in Israel. Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art therapy Association, 3, (3). American Art Therapy Association, Inc. (AATA).

Steinhardt, L. (1989) Six starting points in art therapy with children. Advances in art therapy. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Steinhardt, L, (1989). “Formation and Development of an Art Therapy Training Program in Israel.” The Canadian Art Therapy Association Journal, Volume 4  Number 2.

Steinhardt, L. (1993). Children in art therapy as abstract expressionist painters. American Journal of Art Therapy, 31,3, 113-120.Vermont: Norwich University.

Steinhardt, L (1994) Creating the autonomous image through puppet theatre and art therapy. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 21, 3, 205-218. Elsevier Science.

Steinhardt, L. (1995) The base and the mark:a primary dialogue in artmaking behavior. Art Therapy:Journal of the American Art Therapy Association,12, 3, 191-192.

Steinhardt, L. (1995). Longterm creative therapy with a borderline psychotic boy. American Journal of Art Therapy, 34, 43-49. Vermont: Norwich University.

Steinhardt, L. (1997) Beyond blue: the implications of blue as the color of the inner surface of the sandtray in sandplay. The Arts in Psychotherapy 24, 5, 455-469, Elsevier Science.

Steinhardt, L. (1998) Sand, water, and universal form in sandplay and art therapy. Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association 15, 4 , 252-260.

Steinhardt, L. (1998).Interview with Joy Schaverien, PhD, London. American Journal of Art Therapy, 36, 107-114. Vermont: Norwich University.

Steinhardt, L. (2000) Foundation and form in Jungian sandplay: An art therapy approach. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Steinhardt, L. (2002) Sandplay therapy and art therapy with adults. Handbook of Art Therapy. Chapter 20, pages 254-267. New York: Guilford Publications, Inc. (Editor Cathy Malchiodi,)

Steinhardt, L. (2004) Relationship in large group experiential sandplay training. Journal of Sandplay Therapy, Volume 13, Number 1 , pp 29-42.

Steinhardt, L. (2006) The Eight Frame Colored Squiggle Technique. Art Therapy, Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, Volume 23, Number 3, 112-118.

Steinhardt, L. (2007) Sandplay in Israel, a coastal Mediterranean country. Sandplay and the psyche: Inner landscapes and outer realities.(Eds., Baum, N., and Weinberg, B.) Toronto, Canada: Thera Art. pp. 17-29.

Steinhardt, L. (2007) Group sandplay and visual reality. Journal of Sandplay Therapy, Volume 16, Number 2, pages 13-17.

Steinhardt, L. (2007) The fisherman: a connecting symbol. ANZJAT Australia New Zealand Journal of Art Therapy. Volume 2, Number1, pages 73-81.

Steinhardt, L. (2008) The art therapist as sandplay supervisor. Supervision of  sandplay therapy. (Eds: Mitchell, R. R., and Friedman, H.S). Chapter 19, pages 198-213.  London: Routledge

Steinhardt, L. (2009). Following the Fisherman Image in Sandplay Therapy. Journal of Sandplay Therapy, Volume 18, Number 1, pages 7-16

Steinhardt, L. (2010) The symbolism of seashells in sandplay therapy and ancestral veneration of shells in rites of fertility, birth, burial, and renewal. Journal of Sandplay Therapy, Volume 19, Number 1, pp. 90-109.

Steinhardt, L. (2012) On becoming a Jungian Sandplay therapist: The healing spirit of sandplay in nature and in therapy. London: Jessica Kingsley Publications.

Steinhardt, L. (2014) Three forms of masks in sandplay therapy: Miniatures wearing masks, mask objects, sculpted sand masks. Journal of Sandplay Therapy, Volume 23, Number 1.

Steinhardt, L. (2017). From dot to line to plane: constellating unconscious imagery in art therapy. Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association.

Steinhardt, L. (2016). Casting an invisible net into an invisible unconscious ocean, catching a reflection of the psyche on an invisible map.Journal of Sandplay Therapy, 25, (2), 179-189.

Steinhardt, L. (2018) Sandplay, a symbolic pilgrimage to the sea. A free and protected space. Ed: Dyane Sherwood. Analytical Psychology Press. Oberlin, Ohio. (to be published 2019)

Ahuva Yavin-Arnon 
Cynthia Raskin 
Daphna Rosin 
Debbie Jivan 
Bert A.N. Meltzer 
Edna Schori 
Galit Ben-Amitay 
Hana Eker 
Hannah-Valeria Grishko 
Liela Abramovich 
Lilach Galkin 
Mark Bortz 
Michal Troudart 
Michelle Mendelowitz-Yuval 
Rina Porat 
Robin B. Zeiger 
Yael Bruno 
Yael Dayan-Farhi 

Sandplay practitioners

Bati Lowenstein 
Camy Rachel Mizrahi Chirazi 
Daniela Finkel 
Elana Cheshin 
Iris Mindel 
Maya Ben Shoshan 
Roni Gonen Shimhoni 
Shlomit Gorlik 
Talila Navon 
Tehila Cahana