The Israeli Sandplay
Therapists Association
Liela Abramovich
M.A., ATR, CST-T, Certified Art and Sandplay Therapist
YAHAT member since 1999, ISST&ISTA member since 2009
Haruv Street, Ramat Efal, Ramat Gan 5290502, ISRAEL

She is an instructor of art Therapy and Sandplay Therapy.

Since 2009, she is a certified Jungian Sandplay Therapist.

Member of ISTA, the Israeli Association of Sandplay Therapy and ISST, the International society for sandplay therapy.

Since 1997, she works at the adolescents closed psychiatric ward at the “Geha Education Center” at the “Geha Mental Health Center”, Petah Tikva.

Since 2001 Liela is a lecturer in the MA Program in Art Therapy, in the Kibbutzim College of Education, Tel-Aviv.

Since 2009, she is a lecturer in the Jungian Sandplay training program of the Israeli Sandplay Association (ISTA).

Since 2005 works in private practice in Ramat Efal, Ramat Gan with children, adolescents and adults.

Born in Israel, married and mother to three children.


Abramovich, Liela (2015) Between sand and blue in the closed psychiatric ward. Jungian Sandplay Therapy with adolescents in a state of psychosis. Journal of  Sandplay Therapy/STA. Volume 24, Number 1, 2015

Ahuva Yavin-Arnon 
Cynthia Raskin 
Daphna Rosin 
Debbie Jivan 
Bert A.N. Meltzer 
Edna Schori 
Galit Ben-Amitay 
Hana Eker 
Hannah-Valeria Grishko 
Lenore F. Steinhardt 
Lilach Galkin 
Mark Bortz 
Michal Troudart 
Michelle Mendelowitz-Yuval 
Rina Porat 
Robin B. Zeiger 
Yael Bruno 
Yael Dayan-Farhi 

Sandplay practitioners

Bati Lowenstein 
Camy Rachel Mizrahi Chirazi 
Daniela Finkel 
Elana Cheshin 
Iris Mindel 
Maya Ben Shoshan 
Roni Gonen Shimhoni 
Shlomit Gorlik 
Talila Navon 
Tehila Cahana