עמותה ישראלית למטפלים
במשחק בחול (ע.ר. 580588598)
רובין צייגר
יו"ר העמותה
Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Jungian Analyst
Offices in Tel Aviv and Kfar Haro’e

Dr. Zeiger is a licensed clinical psychologist, certified supervising Jungian analyst, and certified teaching sandplay therapist. She was formerly licensed in America and is currently licensed in Israel.  She received her Ph.D. in 1985 in Clinical and Social Psychology from the University of Illinois at Chicago She is in private practice in Tel Aviv and Kfar Haro’e, offering psychotherapy and psychoanalysis, sandplay, dream workshops, training, and supervision. She teaches in Jungian psychotherapy in the Department of Continuing Education at Bar Ilan University, online in Romania, and offers workshop for Jungian analytic candidates. She has published and presented numerous professional papers in America, Israel and internationally and immigrated to Israel from America in 2009.

Dr. Robin Zeiger is currently a member of the  International Society of Sandplay Therapists (ISST) and The Israel Institute of Jungian Psychology in Honor of Erich Neumann and of GetHelpIsrael.

In the words Robin: The longer I am in practice the humbler I become, recognizing I am an escort to my patients on a very personal journey of individuation. Carl Jung brought to the world a deep respect for the Soul to grow and heal itself given the right space and time. My approach is to partner with my patients to create a safe temenos (sacred place of therapy) for the work of healing and growth to occur. Sandplay is an excellent addition to the more traditional talking cure, allowing for rich symbolism that touches the non-verbal and pre-verbal aspects of our soul. 

Over the past three and half decades, I have worked with a breadth and depth of problems including depression, anxiety, abuse, ADHD, trauma, life issues, and spirituality. I have worked extensively with dreams and symbolic work. I am both appreciative and humbled by the power and creativity of the unconscious and the soul to help guide us in our path of individuation and healing.



Zeiger, R. B. (2023). The Blessing of the Shattered Vessels: Destruction & Rebirth in Sandplay. Journal of Sandplay Therapy.  32 (1).  91-108.

Zeiger, R.B. (2023).  Honi the Circle-maker: an ancient narrative for creating temenos in challenging times.  Innovation:  The European Journal of Social Science Research. 36 (1).  Pp. 141-154.

Zeiger, R. B. (2022). Honi the Circle-Maker: an ancient narrative for creating temenos in challenging times. Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research. https://doi.org/10.1080/13511610.2022.2102969

Zeiger, R.B. (2022).  Dark feet & dark wings:  Penetrating the depths of the earth.  Journal of Analytical Psychology. (67) 5.

Zeiger, R.B. (2021).  Al safat hayam- On the banks of the sea: The ebb and flow of life. Journal of Sandplay Therapy. 30 (1). 85-101.

Zeiger, R. B. (2021). Reflections on a wounded and bleeding temenos.  Journal of Analytical Psychology. 66 (3), 605-619.

Zeiger, R.B. (2018).  Window shades & bad guys:  Dreamscapes of transformation in the face of war.  Quadrant, Journal of the C.G. Jung Association, New York (XLVIII, 1). 

Zeiger, R.B.  (1997) Image of the inner healer in Judaic thought, Journal of Jewish Communal Service, 74(1).

Zeiger, R.B.  (1993) Issues in the treatment of the seriously emotionally disturbed adolescent by the traditional Jewish psychotherapist.  Journal of Psychology and Judaism, 16(4), 245-255.

Zeiger, R.B.  (1992). Book review.  Mothers of Thyme:  Customs and rituals of infertility and miscarriage.  Psychological Perspectives26, 181-182.

Zeiger, R.B. (1990).  Staff reactions in treating adolescents with borderline disturbances in residential settings. Residential Treatment for Children & Youth. 8 (1), 23-39.

Most Recent Workshops & Papers Presented

Zeiger, R. B. Whispers and Echoes of Adolescence: An Underworld Journey Throughout Life. Paper presented at First European Conference on Childhood and Adolescence.  Adolescence:  Anxieties and Forms of Resilience.  August 28-30, 2024. Siracusa, Sicily, Italy. 

Zeiger, R. B. & Ting Wong, Emma. Meeting the “Other” in a Disjointed World:  The Power of the Dreams and the Non-Verbal.  Paper presented at Sixth European Conference of Analytical Psychology.  When Times is Out of Joint.  August 30-September 1, 2024. Siracusa Sicily. 

Zeiger, R. B., Inomata, T. Marzouk Abu Rekayek, R. (2023, March). Destruction and Rebirth: Multi-cultural Dialogue, Paper presented at ISTA 26th Congress: When East Meets West.  Israel.

Zeiger, R. B. CST & Sugatt, S. CST-T (2022). Fundamentals of Sandplay Therapy, Part I & II.  Sacred Landscapes of the Psyche.  Workshop presented at National Conference of the Sandplay Therapists of America (STA).  Thursday – Sunday, June 2-5, 2022, Redondo Beach, California. 6 Hours CE.

Zeiger, R. B. CST (2022).  In Search of Divine Sparks:  A Kabbalistic Creation Myth. Theoretical and Experiential Workshop. Workshop offered at Sacred Landscapes of the Psyche.  National Conference of the Sandplay Therapists of America (STA).  Thursday – Sunday, June 2-5, 2022, Redondo Beach, California. 1.5 Hours CE.

Zeiger, R. B. (2020, November). Choni the Circle-maker: An Ancient Narrative for Creating Temenos in Challenging Times.  Paper presentation at Narratives in Times of Radical Transformation: An Interdisciplinary Perspective.  Online Conference with Berlin & Tokyo. 

Zeiger, R. B. (2019, September). Into the Dirty Bathwaters:  Sandplay and the Building of Intimacy. Poster presentation at the 25th Congress of the International Society for Sandplay Therapy – Dreaming with the Hands, Berlin, September 5-9. Berlin, Germany. 

Zeiger, R.B. (2019, September). Four Hands of Creation, Destruction & Reconciliation:  An Unusual Sandplay Process.  Poster presentation and brief discussion of case at the 25th Congress of the International Society for Sandplay Therapy – Dreaming with the Hands, Berlin, September 5-9. Berlin, Germany. 

ד"ר רובין צייגר וגב' מישל מנדלוביץ' יובל: שבירת כלים ותיקון עולם– בניה והרס בארגז החול. העמותה הישראלית למטפלים במשחק בחול. בקֶסֶם המֵיכל הטרנספורמטיבי בטיפול במשחק בחול.  יום העיון ה-15 בפברואר 2019, בסמינר הקיבוצים.

Zeiger, R.B. & Mendelowitz-Yuval.  Sheverat Ha’Kalim & the Repair of the World: Building and Destruction in Sandplay.  Israel Sandplay Association.  February 15, 2019.  Seminar Ha’Kibutzim. 

Zeiger, R. B. (2018, December).  The Symbolic, Jungian Psychology, & Sandplay. Talk given at the University of Mandalay to psychology students under Dr. Khin San Hlaing. 

Zeiger, R. B. (2017, July).  On the Banks of the Sea:  The Ebb & Flow of Our Journey.  Presentation at Destruction & Creation in the Fertile Fields of Sandplay.  24th Congress of International Society for Sandplay Therapy.  Hawaii.

דר׳ רובין צייגר: קו-טרנספרנס והמרחב השלישי: לברוא עולם משותף של טרנספורמציה.

העמותה הישראלית למטפלים במשחק בחולשמחה להזמינכם ליום עיון בנושא – ׳על הייחודיות של המרחב הטיפולי במשחק החול -התבוננות בבלתי ניתן להגדרה׳  3 במרץ 2017


Zeiger, R.B. Co-Transference & the Third Space:  Building a Shared World of Transformation.  Israel Sandplay association March 3, 2017.  Seminar Ha’Kibutzim. 

Zeiger, R.B. (2015, December).  Window Shades & Bad Guys:  Dreamscapes of Transformation in the Face of War.  Presentation at Analysis & Activism: Social & Political Contributions of Jungian Psychology.  International Association of Analytical Psychology.  Rome, Italy. 

אהובה יבין ארנון 
ברט מלצר 
גלית בן אמיתי 
דבי ג'יואן 
דפנה רוזין 
חנה אקר 
חנה-ולריה גרישקו 
יעל ברונו 
יעל דיין-פרחי 
ליאלה אברמוביץ 
לילך גלקין 
לינור שטיינהרדט 
מיכל טרודרט 
מישל מנדלוביץ-יובל 
מרק בורץ 
סינטיה רסקין 
עדנה שחורי 
רנה פורת 

מתמחים מתקדמים

איילת אלישבע גבריאל 
אילנה חשין 
איריס מינדל 
בתי לובינשטיין 
דניאלה פינקל 
טלי כהן פיאמנטה 
טלילה נבון 
מיה בן שושן 
קאמי רחל מזרחי שירזי 
רוני גונן שמחוני 
שירה פורת 
שלומית גורליק 
תהלה כהנא